Saturday, June 13, 2009

Night Cub

Over the next several days, I plan to post photos of the Chopper Cub as it evolved from a Trail 50 to something only a teenage boy could envision throughout 1968-69. Each successive photo will be accompanied by decreasing amounts of caption or text. The intent is simply to show the evolution of a very strange Cub.

After I got bored with the Trail 50 concept, I took the Cub in a new direction. As a fan of Peter Fonda from The Wild Angels of 1966, with a little homage to his next movie, The Trip, I staged this little tiddler nightmare. Call it one of my artsy-fartsy days, in memory of Guido, The Killer Pimp, in Risky Business. I brought the front fender and leg shields back out of storage, but I left the straight exhaust pipe attached. I believe I even left the lower gearing intact, but I cannot remember for sure. You know what they say about The Sixties: if you can remember them, you probably were never there!

I don't remember where I got the sissy bar, but I believe it was the banana seat support from a Schwinn Stingray or a similar copycat model. I installed it with a short-travel spring action so that a passenger could feel a bit of back and forth movement. Among the props featured in this staged Instamatic slide photo are a Playboy license plate, a plastic, glow-in-the-dark skeleton model, and a red Jade East Buddha-style container. A copy of LSD: The Problem-Solving Psychedelic (actually a very informative book I read back in about 1966 before The War on Drugs twisted any mention of the subject distinctly into an abnormally plastic-fantastic shape) rests against the leg shield. My ubiquitous pudding-bowl helmet hangs from one of the mirrors which have also been reinstalled, but are barely visible in this photo. More traditional, daytime shots of the Chopper Cub are on the way....

See Also: Lake Cub & Mud Cub

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