Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Gruff Garland - An old fashioned leg-trailer and a joy to watch.

Joe Crowther - As a novice he couldn't afford leathers and practiced in his trousers and cardigan!

Bill Baird - Former Steelworker turned speedway star

Will Lowther - ex Newcastle "Diamond". He only had half a left foot due to a racing accident.

Wal Morton (Captain) - Apparently his wife hated speedway and only went along to Glasgow to stop Wal falling asleep on the way home.

Eddie Lack

Maurice Stobbart - Besides racing speedway, Maurice had his own drift mine near to his home in Cumberland, an orchard in his back garden and co-owned a haulage business with his brother Roland.

Charlie Oates - Learned his skills on Southport beach.

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