Friday, August 6, 2010

Sculptor Jeff Decker

Jeff Decker is an artist without equal. Literally. He's the only motorcycle sculptor in the world. His work, immortalized in bronze, is legendary partly because he has such a talent for capturing speed and energy in a way that really takes a viewer's breath away. The classic qualities of masculine strength in his figures is inspiring to this artist. He's the official sculptor for the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Co. His site,, has some fantastic video interviews with him explaining his artistic process, and a brief history of Crocker motorcycles among other things. He's a member of the Sinners Motorcycle Club and rides one of the only original, custom Crocker motorcycles in the world. You can read more about him in the fall 2010 issue of Men's File Magazine. He's a biker, a father, a husband, a sculptor, and a clean-living Mormon.

Here's a wonderful video showing Jeff and his family at home.

Jeff's Blog
Jeff's Hippodrome Studio

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